Alternative Provision
EDClass offers students the opportunity to engage in education away from the traditional classroom by providing online support from UK-qualified teachers. EDClass’ teaching and support staff can work with your students to raise their attainment levels, improve standards and subsequently increase attendance across your school and MAT.
We adhere to the SEND and alternative provision improvement plan (2023) and we also comply with UK government legislation for both on and off-site alternative provisions for academies; Suspension and permanent exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement 2022; and Behaviour in schools (2022).
EDClass is an online alternative provision that identifies clear starting points and assesses and meets the needs of students from the moment they first use the system through diagnostic testing. EDClass has been chosen by schools across the UK for its safeguarding, teaching, learning, engagement, curriculum provided, sequencing of learning, attendance, support given, progress, assessments and destinations for students.
EDClass allows you to tackle attendance barriers with a strategic approach to ensuring high-quality education is obtained by students with varying needs. The platform collects first-hand evidence showcasing the impact of teaching and learning and how it has improved attainment, attendance and behaviour. Timely and effective support from qualified teachers demonstrates how the provision is suitable. It also helps identify any gaps in learning and builds a stronger evidence-based support system.
We do this in a unique approach where we have numerous UK-qualified teachers delivering live and pre-recorded lessons. Alongside this, we offer fully safeguarded support with a bank of over 17,000 lessons available in a range of subjects including:
- English Language & Literature
- Mathematics - Science - PSHE - Behaviour Repair Work - Gun, Knife and Crime - Careers, Employability skills and Work skills | - Independent Living
- First Aid - Physical Education - French - Prevent and British Values - Functional Skills for English - Functional Skills for Mathematics |
EDClass provides an exceptional standard of teaching and learning delivering English, maths, science and other subjects. UK-qualified teachers will assist your students with their learning to ensure they fully understand even the simplest material. EDClass’ online alternative provision offers curriculum-rich content with high-quality teaching and specialist support for students. A meticulous approach to tracking, evidencing and reviewing data allows for a safe and inclusive environment ensuring progression for students, in particular those with SEND needs.
Our Curriculum | Safeguarding in EDClass | Implement and Impact your School / MAT | Live Classroom | Book a demo |
Impact and Implement a positive alternative provision with our seats, live teaching and pastoral support
Our delivery and implementation are distinct from other online platforms which you may have experienced and/or investigated, we are proud of our methodology and can outline this to you below.
EDClass seats can be rotated between learners; think of this like your classrooms, each time the bell goes your learners move to their next lessons and you get a whole new classroom of learners but the chairs and desks stay where they are. When you purchase a seat with us you are building your school's virtual classroom and each time a learner has completed a session on a seat they can be rotated off and another learner can then access your virtual classroom. Our virtual classrooms are designed for and support; catch-up classes, online learners, or any student not attending school. Every session, lesson and discussion is recorded for child protection.
As the student accesses their online classroom their registration is taken, we do this while also conducting a welfare welcome questionnaire. The registration times match your school's timetable.
Impact learning - Every seat can be flexible and rotated each day to offer a timely provision
High-quality teaching and learning can be accessed throughout the school day. EDClass’ UK-qualified teachers also “monitor pupils’ engagement and communicate and colleagues effectively if there are concerns” in line with the EIF. Timely and effective support is provided whenever required for students with their learning. Your learners can learn at their own pace with a system that is available 24/7 and one-to-one support available during school hours. EDClass provides an effective safeguarded online provision and supplies evidential support for your school to demonstrate the impact the seats are having on your students.
Implement a positive solution - You can move and alternate seats within your organisation
EDClass accommodates your school’s requirements and keeps the best interests of your students at the centre of what we do. You can significantly reduce your spending on your alternative provision, with a provider that suits even the most complex needs, with engaging content and rigorous measures implemented. Several of your students can use a seat when rotated throughout the day and this can be extremely useful within your isolation or inclusion rooms. Your workload is significantly reduced with a broad and balanced curriculum already provided for you. EDClass’ teachers support your students face-to-face or via verbal chat or text for you.
Seats can be used within schools or for distant learners or those not attending school
It is your prerogative how you use your seats with EDClass. EDClass can be extremely useful for students with mental health challenges, such as anxiety and school phobia, as the system can be used effectively from the comfort of their own homes. A strong focus on positively reintegrating your students is administered with EDClass ensuring your students are in the best possible state when they feel ready to return to school. EDClass can also be implemented within your mainstream setting in other areas of your school. This can include supporting those with low-level disruptive behaviour or those who require additional support with their personal development, both academically and pastorally. EDClass can be implemented to address attendance issues across your MAT also so there are uniform standards across each school.
Every seat can be allocated a personalised programme of study
A broad and balanced curriculum with high-quality sequenced lessons for teaching and learning is provided. This gives parents confidence that their child is receiving high-quality teaching and targeted evidence-based support, adhering to the SEND & AP improvement plan, that is available at the click of a button. Your students on seats will work through designated pathways of learning that are suited to their level of academic ability and the system is suitable for students with SEND.
Seats can be transferred between learners within other partner establishments to provide full flexibility for your establishment. EDClass has been specially designed to allow MATs to work in conjunction with one another, reducing costs at the same time. Seats can be used by different schools within your trust ensuring all of your students are engaged and safe when learning. Your students are safeguarded when on an EDClass system with everything being monitored, tracked and evidenced to uphold standards if any inspection is to occur for your school.
Each child adheres to your policies and procedures
Implement your policies and procedures to work in symmetry with us to help improve the behaviour, engagement and interaction of your students. Your students will be supported by our expert teachers to address behaviour and attitudes to address any lapses in judgement and improve their focus. EDClass can offer a provision that implements regular interaction and engagement with learners through an innovative bespoke curriculum with pastoral support.
Online Education Service
EDClass is a valuable whole-school learning approach that enables any learner to have their own personal education learning plan that matches your curriculum using our online education platform.
We apply the school's or department's curriculum, schemes, testing and assessment strategy to our online learning platform. This includes tracking and monitoring of outcomes, gaps in learning and targets which allow you to constantly monitor the progress, engagement and interactions taking place for all those within our alternative provision.
Teaching and Pastoral Support
We also pride ourselves on the pastoral support that our teaching team provide for all learner’s academic/vocational/technical needs, pastoral needs and, if appropriate, SEND needs.
Planned pastoral interventions are integrated with EDClass. Students have their starting points identified and measures are implemented to break any barriers to their learning and aspirations for their futures are clearly outlined. A continuum of support is available for pupils online with EDClass where behaviour cultures and policies in schools are not working for them.
Our Curriculum and live teaching
EDClass enhances your curriculum and provides a positive online learning environment in a range of provisions because we mirror your curriculum or requirements. We have a virtual library of over 1,300+ pre-recorded video lessons delivered by our teachers and a live teaching timetable to which students have instant access.
Alongside this, there are 17,000 online lessons in English, Maths, Science and other core subjects. The lessons are available for learners to access and view on-demand to impact your whole school curriculum.