EDClass Partners
EDClass is proud to be an online alternative provision provider that you can trust. But, collaboration and support from other companies and institutions is essential for any company's growth.
That's why we are giving recognition to our partners that support us and help ensure that the online learning experience for our students is the best that it can be. Take a look below:
EDLounge provides an apprenticeships platform to age 16 and above and has has seen considerable growth in its online business, capabilities and product development. EDLounge has also delivered successful programmes for adults who have encountered difficulties in their past education as part of a pre-employment programme as well as delivering work-related qualifications.
EDlounge also focuses on upskilling current staff with apprenticeships. EDClass also incudes several apprentices within its current staff enrolled with EDLounge that helps strive the business towards new heights.
Tutors & Exams provides learners, typically those outside of mainstream education, with access to assessment opportunities regardless of age or background. Since 2014 they have established a network of exam centres across the UK that currently serves 63% the UK adult population with more planned to open this coming academic year.
Each of their Private Candidate Exam Centres is able to provide a wealth of assessment options, from A Levels to Functional Skills. As a Home Educator, Distance Learner, Excluded Learner or Private Candidate people are assured of a safe, calm and welcoming environment with staff dedicated to ensuring the best possible service is provided.
A busy school needs total confidence in the security and reliability of their technology. Wonde’s innovative platform has been designed and built to integrate seamlessly with your school MIS, ensuring your data is securely maintained, managed and accessible. A single, simple to use portal enables you to access and control all of your applications. Wonde helps EDClass support over 180 schools with effective integrated systems that allow ease of use and functionality when using the system.
AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a subsidiary of Amazon providing on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis. These cloud computing web services provide a variety of basic abstract technical infrastructure and distributed computing building blocks and tools. AWS helps EDClass by supplying a vast storage system for important documents and files that help elevate the system to reach its full potential.
Wowza is a live video streaming platform with industry-leading technology delivering broadcast-quality live streaming to any sized audience on any device. EDClass uses Wowza when teachers livestream lessons and use webcams to help engage learners.