EDClass has an extensive range of key stage 3, GCSE and BTEC science resources that are readily available online for learners to work through topics within biology, chemistry, and physics. Our science lessons cover the units for the main British examination bodies. Within our science resources are eLearning lessons, video presentations and recorded classroom lessons. In addition to this, EDClass includes actual recorded laboratory experiments and tasks, engaging games, quizzes and activities for learners to get to grips with all the science modules and prepare for examinations.
EDClass can be used to help support, teach, implement and assist all science students and science teachers by offering our comprehensive range of resources that have recently impacted:
- Science intervention - Catch-up learning or support for missed science topics - 6th-day science provision with other core subjects - Science homework - Independent study for science - Science re-integration - Extracurricular science learning clubs - Summer school teaching and learning - Transition for numeracy into year 7 Introduction to GCSE science - Teacher-led science assessment | - Live science support for alternative provision - Off-site or home-educated students struggling with science - Scientific laboratory/experiment experience - Revision for science topics - Teaching and learning of science plenaries, differentiation and quizzes - Stretching and challenging all learners - Reconnect learners with hard-to-teach science topics - Self-studying science topics - Resources for isolation, detention and exclusion for students missing learning - Science diagnostic tests and modular science exams |
Our GCSE and KS4 curriculum and content includes:
Our KS4 biology content includes lessons and resources for Cell Biology; Respiration; Microorganisms; Photosynthesis; Transport; Enzymes and Digestion; Exchange and Circulation; Health and Disease; Co-ordination and Control; Plant Hormones; Inheritance and Genetics, Evolution and Natural Selection; and Ecology.
Our KS4 chemistry content includes lessons and resources for: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table; Structure Bonding / Properties of Matter; Chemical Quantities and Calculations; Chemical Changes; Energy Changes; Rate and Extent of Chemical Change; Hydrocarbons; Chemical Analysis; The Atmosphere; and Sustainable Development.
Our KS4 physics content includes lessons and resources for: Energy; Electricity; The Particle Model of Matter; Atomic Structure; Forces; Waves; Electromagnetism; and Space.
Our KS3 science curriculum and content includes:
Our KS3 biology content includes lessons and resources for: Cells and Organisation; The Skeletal and Muscular Systems; Nutrition and Digestion; Reproduction; Health; Photosynthesis; Cellular Respiration; Relationships in an Ecosystem; Inheritance, Chromosomes, DNA and Genes.
Our KS3 chemistry content includes lessons and resources for: The Particle Model of Matter; Atoms, Elements and Compounds; Pure and Impure Substances; Chemical Reactions; Chemical Energetics; The Periodic Table; Materials; Earth and Atmosphere.
Our KS3 physics content includes lessons and resources for: Forces and Motion; Energy; Waves; Electricity and Magnetism; Physical and Chemical Changes of Matter; The Particle Model; Energy in Matter; and Space.
Our KS2 science curriculum and content includes:
Our KS2 biology content includes lessons and resources for: Living Things and Their Habitats; Animals, Including Humans; and Evolution and Inheritance.
Our KS2 chemistry content includes lessons and resources for: Properties and Changes of Materials.
Our KS2 physics content includes lessons and resources for: Earth and Space; Forces and Magnetism; Light and Sound; and Electricity.
Our science content and resources include
Our primary science resources
Our primary science lessons are designed to be accessible by every pupil and are able to be tailored to suit each individual's learning needs. All answers are tracked and recorded, showing you clear evidence of attainment and progress over time. Strengths and weaknesses are easily identifiable, allowing additional lessons to be applied focusing on specific skills that a pupil needs to practice.
Our primary science lessons are filled with media-rich content to help pupils in their learning.
Demo If you would like a demo or more information regarding how EDClass can work in partnership and collaboration with your organisation, please call us on 01909 568 338 or fill in this form here. |