Sheffield Inclusion Centre Case Study
Cohort: A cohort of 15 students, who are not just school refusers but also "PRU refusers"
"Our students are out of mainstream education for various reasons; they might suffer from anxiety or other mental health issues. Others simply just don't like school. But our objective is very clear: we want to our students back into mainstream education."
Objectives: To use the virtual classroom to help educate, support and offer safeguarding for a range of students with both the school's and EDClass' teaching and support staff.
Methodology: To follow a unique learning pathway specially designed for each student in English and Maths whilst getting virtual support online by a safeguarding mentor (at the school) and getting online support regarding lessons (within EDClass).
"We use a virtual classroom to deliver lessons and homework to our students, and they receive an attendance mark for each session. There is a tracking system in place so we can see at a glance how many times a student has logged on, what they're doing, how they're progressing and so on. We're also able to have virtual face-to-face check-ins with each student, enabling us to see that the student is safe and well, and also speak to them about their work and progress."
Success: Two of the students asked to come back into the centre and have been successfully reintegrated!
"The results have been incredible. Two of our students have recently informed us that they want to return to mainstream education. With a virtual classroom, we're able to ensure our students receive classwork and homework regularly, and we can monitor their progress and give them the support they need so that when the time comes, the transition back into the classroom goes smoothly."
- Ash Khan, Sheffield Inclusion Centre
"Each of the students that have been on the programme benefited massively over the past academic year, with reintegration back into the centre, back into mainstream education and others have progressed by their engagement with the programme to reintegrate with their peers through work-based learning opportunities. This system has proved to re-engage both the pupils and their parents/carers with their child's education."
- Jane Horsfield, Engagement Team, Sheffield Inclusion Centre