EDClass has been rated one of the top 3 resources for maths content and delivery according to EDTech Impact reviews. Our range of mathematics content enables any learner to progress, regardless of ability. Learners follow a personalised pathway, structured to enhance their knowledge and understanding of mathematics.
EDClass can be used to help support, teach, implement and assist all maths students and maths teachers by offering our comprehensive range of resources that have recently impacted:
• Addition and Subtraction • Algebra • Geometry: Position and Direction • Geometry: Properties of Shapes • Geometry and Measures Our Maths Curriculum | • Measurement • Multiplication and Division • Number • Number: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division • Number: Fractions (Including Decimals and Percentages) | • Number and Place Value • Probability • Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change • Statistics |
EDClass can be used to help support, teach, implement and assist all Maths students and Maths teachers by offering our comprehensive range of resources that have recently impacted:
- Maths intervention - Catch-up or support learning for maths topics - 6th-day maths provision with other core subjects - Maths homework - Independent study - Maths re-integration - Extracurricular maths learning clubs - Summer school teaching and learning transition for numeracy into year 7 - Introduction to GCSE maths - Diagnostics maths tests and modular exams | - Live maths support for alternative provision - Home-educated students struggling with maths - Structured off-site maths delivery with maths teachers - Revision for maths topics - Teaching and learning of maths plenaries, differentiation and games - Stretching and challenging all learners - Reconnect learners with hard to teach maths topics - Self-studying maths topics - Resources for isolation, detention and exclusion for students missing learning - Teacher-led maths assessment |